Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Here we come Opr...I mean...here we come Chicago!!!

Collide is headed to Chicago this June 17th as part of Houston's String Fling.
We are representing our great city of Houston in association with the Houston Visitor's Bureau and The Greater Houston Convention. Can you believe it? The touring has begun! Cuvee is just the right environment of Chicago style and nightlife for us to start. Our unique and ground-breaking sound is coming to The Windy City as we represent the style and culture of our great city.

Check out the Flyer!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

2010 Houston Press Music Awards

It has been a whirlwind of a year and there is no stopping us now!

Please nominate COLLIDE for the 2010 Houston Press Music Awards.
It is simple:
Click: http://polls.houstonpress.com/polls/hou/musicawards2010/
#10 Best New Act
#31 Best Instrumental/Experimental

Simply fill in the blanks with Collide (Divisi Strings)

Here is a Collide Video for your Enjoyment: